Zambia Dairy & Cash crops

Serenje, Zambia

Outright acquisition of two adjoining farms with a total extent of 1 997ha in the Serenje district, subsequently leased back to the operator.

The farms are currently used for farming with dairy cows for the production of milk, as well as the cultivation of wheat, maize, soya beans and maize silage as feed for the dairy herd. The farm has over 800 cows in milk, with milk production exceeding 20 litres per cow per day.

This investment contributes to the country’s import substitution drive of raw milk and dairy products. Substantial development potential.

Status: Transferred to UFF Netherlands (now Signature Agri Investments) when the two companies split in 2021.


Acquisition date:

October 2018

Key milestones:

  • 242ha cleared for maize and wheat
  • 730ha of centre pivot irrigation land developed
  • 33 million mdam constructed, potential to irrigate approx. 5 000ha
  • 1 000 cows dairy parlour constructed
  • Additional buildings constructed: farm offices, milk tank room, plant room shed, medicine room, spray race molasses storage tank, feed shed and stores, workshop, stores and service pit, fuel and tyre stores, vehicle wash bay, ablution block, cattle handling facilities, tuck shop, various staff houses and accommodation
  • Airstrip constructed

The positive impact we made:

  • Positive social development ripple effects for the broader community
  • Dam construction benefited neighbouring farmers
  • Road and air infrastructure aided with remote location
  • Strengthen food security in Zambia
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