Eshowe Citrus

KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Consolidation of four citrus farms near the Goedertrou Dam. 255ha of citrus and 12ha of bananas in production.

Proximity Durban port (approx. 150km) gives the farm a competitive advantage in the export market. Eshowe produces superior quality fruit in the northern part of the country, suited for export.

The Nkwaleni valley has summer rainfall, with a warm and humid climate during summers and cool dry winters. These conditions are particularly suitable to produce lemons and grapefruits. The climate and quality of the orchards delivers a better than average pack-out percentage of the produce. Due to location, timing and quality, the farm is particularly attractive to supply the Middle East and Far East markets.


Acquisition date:

January 2014

Key milestones:

  • 80ha grapefruit regrafted to lemons
  • Replanted/Established 46ha citrus
  • Irrigation pumphouse and dam upgraded
  • Packhouse upgraded
  • 52ha prepared for Macadamia development

The positive impact we made:

  • 410 jobs created
  • Prepaid primary healthcare for 80+ permanent farm workers
  • Adult education and training for 10+ workers
  • International Accreditations – GLOBALG.A.P
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