Marble Hall Citrus

Limpopo, South Africa

Consolidation of three citrus farms with a total of 478 hectares of citrus in production.

Located two hours from Johannesburg, which provides good access to local markets. Export fruit is shipped via Durban (+/- 700km to harbour). Enlisted under the Loskop Irrigation Scheme providing constant water supply.

Limpopo is one of the best citrus producing regions in South Africa, as it has enough heat in the early spring to be considered an early production area. The hot summer and a relatively short intense winter make it ideal for early internal ripening and colour development. Fruit ideally suited for international exports.

Terrain is currently in process of exiting from this investment.


Acquisition date:

December 2010

Key milestones:

  • Doubled farm capacity
  • Established 250ha of additional orchards: 2010 – 2015
  • Erected 55ha of netting
  • Packhouse building refurbished, new paving installed, staff training and ablution facility built
  • Workers’ housing with 40 rooms developed within packhouse complex

The positive impact we made:

  • 442 new jobs created
  • Prepaid primary healthcare to 114 permanent employees
  • TB and HIV Testing, and ARVs available from the clinic for all employees
  • International accreditations – GLOBALG.A.P
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